NinjaRip is currently available for free during its beta phase.

Trusted by professionals worldwide

Convert bank statements
10x faster

Automatically convert any PDF bank, credit card statements to Excel, CSV, or QBO using AI.
Fast, secure, and easy to use—trusted globally to transform documents extractraction.

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Support Over +1000 banks Worldwide

Unleash the Full Potential of AI Bank Statement Extraction

Safeguard Your Data with Robust Security

Safeguard sensitive data with robust encryption, ensuring document security and compliance every step of the way.

Achieve +99% Accuracy in Extraction

Extract bank data with AI precision and achieve unparalleled +99% accuracy, ensuring data you can trust.

Simplify Document Extraction Effortlessly

Enjoy a seamless user experience with intuitive features that simplify document extraction for everyone.

Accelerate Your Workflow with Lightning-Fast Speed

Accelerate document processing with lightning-fast speed and remarkable efficiency, saving you valuable time.

Leverage Cutting-Edge AI for Unparalleled Insights

Leverage cutting-edge AI models to gain deeper insights and unlock unparalleled document processing power.

Tailor Document Processing to Your Unique Needs

Adapt to your unique business needs with customizable document processing tailored to your specific requirements.

Discover NinjaRIP & Fall in Love!

Try NinjaRIP for free (beta) and enjoy the best AI-powered bank extraction !

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How NinjaRip works

Easily upload your bank statement through the secure online portal or other available options.Supported formats include PDFs, images, and more.

Our AI algorithms analyze and process your bank statement with unparalleled accuracy.

Retrieve your processed documents and data in user-friendly formats and integrate them directly into your workflow.

Start Now


Bank statements processed


Frequently asked question

NinjaRIP is an AI-powered document processing service that helps you manage, analyze, and extract data from documents quickly and accurately. It uses advanced machine learning models to recognize patterns and extract meaningful information, streamlining your document workflow.

Absolutely. We prioritize data security and utilize robust encryption to safeguard your sensitive information. NinjaRIP is fully compliant with industry standards and regulations to ensure that your data is always protected.

NinjaRIP's AI models achieve over 99% accuracy in document recognition and data extraction, ensuring reliable and trustworthy results.

Yes! NinjaRIP is designed to be highly flexible and customizable. You can tailor document workflows, data extraction rules, and processing features to suit your unique business requirements. You can either use our ready to go models or reach out to use to build a model for your specific needs.

During the beta phase, NinjaRIP is free to use. Once we transition out of beta, we will offer various pricing plans to suit different business needs, with transparent and competitive rates.